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Oral history; Interview with Julian Andrews, 2007

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Julien Andrews’ recounts his experience of sheltering in Aldwych Underground station during the Blitz.
Julian Andrews
Object type
  • Oral history interview
  • Physical description

    Item content
    Object title
    Oral history interview with Julian Andrews
  • Interview summary

    Julian Andrews (JA) born 11 February 1934 in London. Father from Finchley, mother from Croydon. Lived in Ruislip at start of Second World War. Father in Territorial Army, called up immediately on 3rd September 1939. Recalls being evacuated to North Wales with his mother aged 5. Reflects on understanding of war as a child. After six months returned south, reunited with father. Describes war as exciting for a child [00.03.05]. Describes witnessing aircraft activity and bombing. During Christmas, 1940, family stayed in hotel on The Strand. Describes sheltering in hotel basement during raids [00.07.00]. Talks about sheltering at Aldwych Underground Station. Describes the conditions, including sound, smell and lighting. Recalls burning smells and damage at ground level on exiting the station [00.12.34]. Describes communication and receiving the all-clear. Recalls being on the Strand a few years later during a bomb raid [00.18.21]. Describes V2 rockets. Skips forward to describing university education, studying languages and law. Mentions National Service. Describes job with British Council [00.22.00]. Recalls seeing Henry Moore’s shelter drawings. Took sabbatical to study history of art, later became head of art department at British Council in 1980. Recalls meeting Henry Moore and discussing the shelter drawings [00.26.54]. Describes putting on an exhibition of the shelter drawings in four German cities in 1984 [00.29.28]. Recalls impressions of post-war Dresden rebuilding. Gave opening lecture at exhibition in Dresden [00.32.38]. Describes in detail Henry Moore’s process for research and creating the shelter drawings [00.39.50]. Mentions Moore’s relationship with the War Artists Committee [00.41.30]. Talks about the use of art as propaganda [00.44.55]. Recalls unsuccessful project in Russia due to invasion in Afghanistan in 1980s [00.48.35]. Ends with discussion on Russian war art.
  • People involved

    RolePerson(s) involved
    Oliver Green, 17/11/2007
    Julian Andrews
  • Associated companies, people and places

    Interview location
    London Transport Museum, Covent Garden, 17/11/2007
    Henry Moore -