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Oral history; Interview with Gloria Mansook, 2009

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Gloria Mansook discusses her experiences as a London bus driver, and reflects on what it was like to be driving a bus on the day of the London bombings in 2005.
Gloria Mansook
Object type
  • Oral history
  • Physical description

    Item content
    Object title
    oral history; interview with Gloria Mansook, 2009
  • Interview summary

    [53:03] Gloria begins by talking about her family and educational background in West London. Remarks that she initially wanted to be a chef but her training was halted due to giving birth to a child. Comments that whilst looking after her children, she worked in schools where she developed a passion for working with children. [2:53] Discusses that after being made unemployed, she eventually decided that she would like to be a London bus driver. Remarks upon the male-dominated nature of the bus driving industry and how her family responded to her decision to join it. [5:05] Comments that despite her driving inexperience, she was selected for driver training. Discusses the training that she received both in the classroom and on the road. Comments on having doubts about completing the course and how she overcame these difficulties to qualify as a driver. Remarks on early experiences in her training, detailing the procedures she followed, the personnel that she came into contact with and her status as a female in a male-dominated environment. [21:26] Discusses experiences of dealing with passengers and describes some of her interactions with difficult customers. [23:52] Remarks on the experience of driving a bus on 7 July 2005, the day of the London terrorist bombings, and what it was like returning to work the following day. [28:35] Comments on later becoming one of the few black women Garage Driver Trainers (GDT) and, subsequently, a School Liaison Officer for Transport for London. Remarks upon her enjoyment in the latter role and details some of the aspects of this job, including the interaction with children. Comments on some of her present work as a supervisor and GDT, highlighting many difficulties drivers now experience. [41:52] Comments that she is also working with both the company management and the bus drivers to ensure the smooth introduction of new working practices. [46:52] Remarks upon her popularity and the respect that she receives at work. [50:05] Comments on the lack of women in her industry and the barriers that discourage female applicants but would recommend it to others.
  • People involved

    RolePerson(s) involved
    Lynda Finn, 12/01/2009
    Gloria Mansook
  • Associated companies, people and places

    Shepherds Bush,
    Interview location
    Shepherds Bush