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Oral history; interview with Fred Ivey, 2009

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Fred Ivey describes his career at London Transport, from Junior Booking Clerk to Station Master, with 3 years as a ‘Bevin Boy’ coal miner from 1944-1947.
Fred Ivey
Object type
  • Oral history
  • Physical description

    Item content
    Object title
    Oral history interview with Fred Ivey
  • Interview summary

    Track 1 of 1 [01:37:50] Fred Ivey (FI) was born in Streatham, London. Recalls his very basic education at a range of schools in London leaving in 1939 aged 13. Mentions briefly his brief one month’s evacuation to Southwater near Horsham. [00.07.00] Explains how he got a job in an umbrella factory in the West End of London where he stayed for three years. [00.09.20] Aged 17 FI applied and obtained a post as a junior booking clerk at Stamford Brook station. Describes training and duties in war time at Victoria in London. [00.12.00] Recalls his experiences of travelling whilst the “doodlebug” bombs falling on London. Remembers his war time work as a Bevin Boy at various coal mines in South Wales from 1944 until his return to London in 1947 [00.21.00] FI explains his reasons for opting to serve in the coal mines rather go in the army. [00.23.30] Summarises the coal mining system and describes in detail his work in the South Wales coalfield. [00.30.20] In November 1947 FI returns to work for London Transport in the Victoria booking offices. Recalls the office structure and some of his colleagues. [00.37.00] Left Victoria in 1952 for domestic reasons and moved to Alperton ticket office and subsequently moved to Park Royal for more money in 1955. [00.39.20] In1958 to promoted to a class 4 booking clerk at Wembley Park [00.40.30] Describes his duties. In January 1963 obtains post as depot clerk at Neasden Notes that after some initial difficulties he mastered the required tasks. [00.46.00] In 1964 begins training to become a supervisor and returns to booking offices as a supervisor at Surrey Docks. Outlines a range of duties covered by relief clerk/ supervisor grade. [00.50.15] Recalls working as shift station master at Bank in 1966 and subsequently being moved to Oxford Circus and promoted from class 2 to class 1. FI was then transferred to Northfields and then moved on to Uxbridge as full station master [00.52.10] Explains training in local operations of station and remembers name change from station master to station manager. FI stayed at Uxbridge until 1970 where he obtained a best station award in 1970. [00.55.30] Applies for promotion to senior station manager but the post was withdrawn so FI became a relief station manager. A job which he did for 20 years covering Uxbridge, Neasden and many other stations. Explains his duties and mentions that he liked his work. [00.58.00] Describes how he assisted at Kings Cross after the underground station fire [01.01.50] Recalls that when LT management separated the roles of depot and station managers he opted for depot work. Notes the creation of group station managers and FI became assistant to the Jubilee Line group station manager at Wembley Park, In 1991 FI retired. [01.05.00] Explains how he became at guide at the London Transport Museum and also worked at the museum’s depot at Acton. [01.09.50] Notes that he now aged 83 concentrates on the ephemera collection rather that manual work. Recalls his involvement with the Booking office at Sheffield Park on the Bluebell Railway [01.13.30] Remembers the last trams through the Kingsway subway and gives his recollections of the last trams in London [01.18.00] FI mentions that he took 1800 photos of trams adds that some were published in 1977 by Colin Stannard of Bandwagon books [01.22.27] .Reflects on life in a booking office and remembers some war time incidents.[01.31.00] Describes working with automatic ticket issuing machines End of track [01.37.50]
  • People involved

    RolePerson(s) involved
    Lynda Finn, 04/12/2009
    Fred Ivey
  • Associated companies, people and places

    Interview location
    London Transport Museum, Covent Garden, 04/12/2009