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Railway vehicle; Metropolitan Railway A class 4-4-0T steam locomotive No. 23, 1866

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This steam locomotive was built by Beyer Peacock in Manchester in 1866. It is one of the original Class 'A' 4-4- 0 locomotives purchased for the Metropolitan Railway Inner Circle services. They had condensing tank engines, designed to limit smoke emission in the tunnels. However, the atmospheric pollution was still terrible. The Circle line was electrified in 1905 and steam locomotives came out of service on the Underground. From 1935 to 1948, Number 23 was used for track maintenance duties. During this time it was Britain's oldest working steam locomotive.
Object type
  • Railway vehicle

More about steam locomotives

Our Metropolitan Railway steam locomotive dates from 1866. Read more about the only surviving steam locomotive from the early years of the world’s first Underground.

Metropolitan Railway A class 4-4-0T steam locomotive No. 23, 1866
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The Underground’s Steam Survivor

, 2 minute read

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